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How to deploy a nuxt 2 app on an Plesk Obsidian server

You dont need an extra dependency package like „nuxt-start“ or so, the only thing you be carefull is thaht you donts use to much node-gyp packages like „fibers“ which has no more support for nodejs > version 16.

  1. upload your entire project without „node_modules“ to your http folder
  2. Make your configurations of the npm version and package manager.
  3. Install all node packages
  4. Set your document root to the „static“ directory of your app
  5. Set the environment to „production“ and set all your custom environment variables like „API_URL“ etc., set the app directory to the root folder of you project.
  6. Here comes on of the most important settings, set the entry point of your app to „node_modules/nuxt/bin/nuxt.js
  7.  Next run the „build“ command 
  8. Restart you app.

Now you should be able to open you app in the browser under the give url you specified.